Southern Hampshire CAMRA

Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery is no longer updated

This section contains photos of the branch's activities - including beer festivals, outings and other social events. We've only recently added this page to the site so there aren't many photos yet. We plan to expand the photo gallery over the coming months.

If you have any photos of a branch event that could be included on the site then please email them to .

Beer Festivals
  01/11/2002 - 02/11/2002 Eastleigh Beer Festival 2002
  20/06/2002 - 22/06/2002 Southampton Beer Festival 2002
  21/06/2001 - 23/06/2001 Southampton Beer Festival 2001
Branch Social Events
  23/11/2002 Winchester Walkabout (November 2002)
Other Photos
  03/08/2004 Presentation to The South Western Arms, St Denys - again our branch's Pub of the Year
  21/02/2004 Presentation to The Musketeer, Pennington - for 25 years in the Good Beer Guide
  05/08/2003 Presentation to Isle of Skye Brewery - Beer of the Festival, Southampton 2003 (August 2003)
Branch Outings
  12/07/2003 Summer Outing 2003 - Presentation to Glastonbury Ales and visit to a couple of Somerset pubs (July 2003)